I’m Maria Sentic, and of my many titles I prefer mom, CPA, and entrepreneur (mostly in that order...) My passion is helping startup, growing, and established companies take advantage of cloud accounting technology to optimize their businesses and connect with the best online accounting professionals - saving time, money, and, frequently, nerves!
As co-founder of Cloudsourced Accounting, I helped hundreds of business switch to online accounting software -- improving their workflows through add-on applications and becoming a trusted advisor when it came to financial and strategic decisions.
Now I educate the newest crop of cloud bookkeepers and accountants on how to work with the best cloud technologies, find their ideal clients, and manage their growing practices.
As part of my never ending quest to simplify and increase productivity in both my personal and work lives, I have tried out a good number of smartphone apps. Some of them proved to be more useful than others. Here are the 7 apps I use every day to stay on top of, well, life.